Baby Shower Selfie Props | Prop Selffi' Parti Bwmp

Sale price£8.95


These baby wardrobe dividers are a simple and stylish way of organising a baby’s over flowing(!) wardrobe.

A new baby has so many clothes in their first years, it’s hard to keep tidy! These cards are a great help of knowing which sizes are for now or for when they are a little bigger. It makes life that much easier for mum and dad!

7 cards in a pack, from first sizes up until 2 years of age.

Made from:
Great quality and strength - 450gsm thickness, with design on both sides.



Complete a baby shower with some fun selfie props!

Beth yw parti heb selffi? Beth yw selffi heb brop?!

10 ffon selffi i greu lluniau doniol - rhai y gall y darpar-fam eu cofio a'u trysori am byth.

🖤 Betia i mai merch fydd hi ..
🖤 Mamgu
🖤 Nain
🖤 Y ffrind fydd yn galw gyda'r gwin
🖤 Barod i beidio - fi'n dod!
🖤 Betia i mai bachgen fydd e ..
🖤 Babi, dwi'n barod amdanat ti!
🖤 Parti Pwsho
🖤 Wrth law i ddal llaw
🖤 Barod i bwsio!

Wedi eu pecynnu, ac yn cael eu postio mewn amlen galed, pwrpasol.

(Cofia hefyd am ein gemau, cardiau neges 'Parti Bwmp,' a byntin i'w gwneud hi'n ddathliad a hanner).

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