Discover an extraordinary journey with The Singing Mermaid, a charming story from the brilliant collaboration of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, the minds behind What the Ladybird Heard.
This story is adored by both children and parents, thanks to its superb rhyming verse and striking illustrations.
The Singing Mermaid is lured by the allure of fame and fortune, leading her to join a circus. Despite being adored by the audience, she is trapped in a tank by the unscrupulous circus owner Sam Sly, yearning to go back to her natural habitat in the ocean...
This story is adored by both children and parents, thanks to its superb rhyming verse and striking illustrations.
The Singing Mermaid is lured by the allure of fame and fortune, leading her to join a circus. Despite being adored by the audience, she is trapped in a tank by the unscrupulous circus owner Sam Sly, yearning to go back to her natural habitat in the ocean...